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av masterprogrammet i strategisk kommunikation

Termin 1

Den första terminen består av fyra kurser som behandlar strategisk kommunikation, organisationskommunikation, vetenskapsteori och public relations. Särskilt tonvikt läggs vid att öva studenterna på muntlig framställning och vetenskapligt skrivande. Kurserna ges på både svenska och engelska.

Introduktion till strategisk kommunikation 7,5 högskolepoäng

Syftet med kursen är att studenten ska introduceras till forskningsfältet och praktiken strategisk kommunikation. Studenten tillägnar sig olika teoretiska perspektiv, modeller och begrepp som utgångspunkt för vidare förståelse och fördjupning inom fältet.

Vidare introduceras studenten till praktiskt retorik och muntlig presentationsteknik. På kursen ger praktiker i branschen gästföreläsningar som ger en inblick i kommande yrkesliv och aktuella frågor.

Organisationskommunikation 7,5 högskolepoäng

Syftet med kursen är att studenten ska tillägna sig fördjupade kunskaper inom forskningsområdet organisationskommunikation. Studenten tillägnar sig förståelse för den komplexa relationen mellan organisationer, organiseringsprocesser och kommunikation.

Olika områden inom forskningen om organisationskommunikation behandlas i kursen som exempelvis identitet, kultur, ledarskap, makt, organisationsförändring, omvärldsbevakning, IKT, interkulturell kommunikation och etik.

Vidare introduceras studenten till frågor som genus och mångfald relaterat till organisation, ledning och kommunikation.


Philosophy of science 7.5 credits

The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to the philosophy of science in general and the philosophy of social sciences in particular. The course touches upon the major debates in the field including some insights into the philosophy of mind, cognitive science and neuroscience.

The course prepares students to critically reflect about methodological and epistemological questions, especially with a view to own research projects and ultimately the master thesis.

If exchange students participate in the course, it is given in English. Otherwise the main part of the course is given in Swedish and other Scandinavian languages with additional lectures and seminars in English.


Public Relations 7.5 credits

The course introduces the students the research field of public relations on the basis of an international perspective. In addition the course broadens the students' knowledge of different dominant and alternative theories in the field.

The course deals with key theories and practical issues defining public relations as a discipline of scholarly enquiry and of practical work. Among the subjects addressed in the course are ethics and efficiency, for example in campaigns, and how they are related. Furthermore, the course introduces organization and management theories on corporate social responsibility (CSR), stakeholder management and legitimacy that have affected public relations as an academic discipline. Finally, the course also deals with campaign planning within public relations.

If exchange students participate in the course, it is given in English. Otherwise the main part of the course is given in Swedish and other Scandinavian languages with additional lectures and seminars in English.


Termin 2 (läses på eng) / Semester two

The second semester of the Master of Science Program in Strategic Communication consists of four courses dealing with central areas of strategic communication such as Strategic Brand Communication, Qualitative Methods, Research and Evaluation for Practice as well as Crisis Communication. Particular emphasis is placed on training students in oral and written communication in English.


Strategic Brand Communication 7.5 credits

The course considers the strategies by which brands are created and circulated – not only through channels such as promotion and distribution, but also how for example employees are utilized for the purpose of communicating a consistent brand message. The students will critically analyze the underlying ideas that inform how brand messages are constructed, and how for example stereotypes or normative ideas of gender are reproduced in those messages.

Starting from situating branding in the context of the development of industrialized production with a perceived greater need for differentiation, the course covers how ideas of communication have changed from providing a distinguishing marker for products to becoming concerned with the management of meaning as a mode of governance. This leads us to question to which extent brand communication finally can be managed, given that meanings are dynamic and contested.


Qualitative Methods 7.5 credits

The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the epistemological underpinnings of qualitative research and develop your knowledge of a variety of methods of qualitative data collection and analysis.

The course covers collecting, interpreting, and analyzing qualitative data. It pays particular attention to in-depth interviewing, observational and ethnographic approaches, text analysis as well alternative methods in strategic communication.

The course will give the students’ practical experience of research and enable you to design and undertake you own independent research projects in the future.


Research and Evaluation for Practice: Planning and Controlling 7.5 credits

This course focuses on evaluation research and its utility in strategic communication practice. Students are introduced to communication controlling as a key concept in strategic communication. After the course the students should be acquainted with the theoretical framework for communication controlling as well as its practical implementation. Special attention is paid to the alignment of strategy planning and controlling.


Crisis Communication 7.5 credits

This module introduces students to the theory and practice of crisis communication, i.e. approaches the topic as a field of research as well as an area of practice. The course develops the students’ analytical understanding of processes: typically leading to crises, typical of acute and ongoing crises, and typical of negotiating crises.

Furthermore it increases the students’ sensitivity to crisis preparedness and its limits. The course exposes students, in role-plays and simulations, to acute crisis-situations, thus challenging them to develop tactics and strategies of crisis-response and to make managerial decisions under time-pressure and uncertainty.


Termin 3 (läses på eng) / Semester three

The third semester of the Master of Science Program in Strategic Communication provides the students with two different options. The first option consists of courses at Lund University (Option A). The second option consists of exchange studies at an international university (option B). The options are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined.


Option A. Courses at Lund University

The students that choose this option read three courses at Lund University.


Quantitative methods 7.5 credits

This module train the students in designing an individual research project based on quantitative methods. The course covers research design, survey methods, and different statistical methods such as cross tabulation, multivariate analysis, correlation, regression analysis and factor analysis, and learns how to use them in SPSS.

The course will give the students’ practical experience of research and enable you to design and undertake you own independent research projects in the future.


Strategic Communication Theory 7.5 hp

The purpose of this module is to provide the students with an opportunity to further their understanding of theories and perspectives on three central themes in strategic communication: democracy, consumption and professional public relations practice. Supported by lectures and seminars the students will write an individual paper where they target and explore a relevant issue in strategic communication related to the three areas. The purpose of the module is thus also to develop the students’ analytical skills and writing abilities in order to prepare them for the master thesis on the fourth semester.


Internship 15 credits, or elective courses in Strategic Communication 15 credits

Students can choose either to take the course Internship, 15 credits, and complete a placement at an organization (option 1), or take elective course at Lunds University or another Swedish University, 15 credits (option 2).

Option 1 Internship

During this course, the students complete a placement in a company, organization, municipality or government agency.  The main time is spent on placement, but students are required to work with assignments continuously during the course.

The aim of the course is to make the students prepared for future working life and help them to establish contacts with potential employers. The minimum duration of the placement is 30 work days (six weeks full-time work). In addition to the internship, the students work with assignments during the course.

During the placement the student will compile a portfolio of work samples that demonstrate both the breadth and depth of the work done at the placement. Instead of creating a broad portfolio of work samples, the student can carry out a more extensive duty at the placement, for example a survey, investigation or project.

The responsibility for finding an internship ultimately rests with the student, but the department offers some support in the application process

The placement has to be approved by the course director. To be accepted the placement-provider must sign a letter of intent in accordance with standards of the Department of Strategic Communication on relevant, varied and qualified work tasks in the field of strategic communication.


Option 2 Elective courses

Instead of completing a placement, the student can choose to read elective courses which broaden or deepen the students’ academic profile, and consequently increase their attractiveness for future career, or application for position as a Ph. D. Candidate.

To be accepted as elective courses in the Master of Science Program of Strategic Communication, the course/s has to be approved by the program director in advance.


Option b. Exchange studies at an international university.

Instead of reading three courses at Lund University (option A, see above), students can choose to study the complete third semester of the Master of Science Program in Strategic Communication abroad (option B).

Exchange studies at an international university hone the students’ academic profile. In addition to taking 30 credits at a foreign university, the students get an opportunity to get to know a new country, a new culture, and not least an opportunity to improve language skills.

Exchange studies demands careful planning. Students who wish to study abroad, needs to start planning in the fall you start the program.

Students at the Department of Strategic Communication can apply for exchange studies twice a year. The department organizes information meeting before the current calls, and gives advance notice on course selection. You can also search for universities abroad as a free-mover.

To be accepted as elective courses in the Master of Science Program of Strategic Communication, the course/s has to be approved by the program director in advance. For more information about Study Abroad, please read here.

Exchange studies through Lund University's agreements are sought via the Faculty of Social Sciences in two calls per year.


Termin 4

Under den fjärde terminen genomför studenten sitt examensarbete för Masterexamen i strategisk kommunikation.  Studenten kan välja att skriva examensarbetet på svenska eller engelska.

Examensarbete 30 högskolepoäng

Syftet med kursen är att ge fördjupade kunskaper inom huvudområdet strategisk kommunikation samt att få studenten att tillägna sig kunskaper inom vetenskaplig teori och metod genom ett självständigt, vetenskapligt och ämnesrelevant arbete.

Under kursen utformar och genomför studenten en vetenskaplig undersökning.  Studenten formulerar ett kvalificerat forskningsproblem, väljer lämpliga insamlingsmetoder, bearbetar ett omfattande teoretiskt och empiriskt material och redovisa analyser, resultat och slutsatser.

Forskningsprocessen genomförs i samråd med en handledare som utses av institutionen. Handledarens uppgift är att ge konstruktiv feedback och handleda studenten genom arbetsprocessen. Ansvaret för såväl genomförandet som det färdiga examensarbetet vilar emellertid på studenten.


Jörgen Eksell

E-post:Jorgen [dot] Eksell [at] isk [dot] lu [dot] se
Tel: 042-35 66 17


Lena Rolén

E-post:studievagledare [at] isk [dot] lu [dot] se
Tel: 042-35 66 59