Getting your degree
When you have completed your studies and met the requirements stated in the syllabus for your degree programme, you can apply for your degree certificate. The degree certificate is issued by the Degree Office at Lund University; apply for it via the student portal. The processing time is approximately 6−8 weeks.
AGORA, the Department of Strategic Communication and the Department of Service Management and Service Studies hold a closing ceremony in early June for graduating Bachelor’s degree students. Parents and friends of graduands are invited to attend the ceremony which is organised by the student union.
The department’s Master’s programme students celebrate their graduation together with other graduating Master’s students at the Faculty of Social Sciences. This graduation ceremony is held in Lund in early June.
More information on degrees here.
Lund University Alumni
The Alumni Network is a free professional and social network for all who have studied at Lund University. Over 35,000 alumni, located around the world, have joined this network, which is a great resource for career development, making new contacts and staying in touch with old classmates and friends.